Concept and design for newsletter visuals
︎︎︎ UMI fund

Visuals and design of the quarterly UMI newsletters

Concept and design for newsletter visuals for a grassroots activist fund.


Climáximo rebrand

Climáximo is a climate activist collective from Portugal. They have been active since 2015. Climate policies haven’t changed much since then.

After the hottest summer ever registred (2023), they deciced they needed to change their narrative in order to be more effective and concise with their urgent message. They asked me to translate that new narrative visually.


Echoes Residency branding

Echoes residency was created to frame current impulses from the margins with a particular focus on collaboration and communication. Based on the exchange, resonance and impact of non-institutional knowledge, Echoes is committed to being a caring, community, shared, collective, progressive resource.

The team asked me to translate their intentions visually.

Poster design and concept

Poster design and concept  for the demonstration “Stop while we can” 

After another summer of wild fires around the world, the climate justice colective mobilized people to the streets to claim that “business as usual” can no longer go on. We all have to break normality and fight against climate caos.

They asked me to create the concept and design for the poster to spread out the word about the demo on the streets of Lisbon.

Editorial design
︎︎︎Hot or Cool Institute

Economies that dare to care

A paper about how the care systems in our society are not visible. And if they were, probably we would all be a lot better.

︎︎︎ Read the document here.

carolinabsacoto studio

Part of Clean Creatives and Creatives for Climate.


All things related to climate
and social justice visual communication:

︎︎︎ Branding
︎︎︎ Editorial Design

︎︎︎ Poster Design
︎︎︎ Newsletter Design
︎︎︎ Motion Design

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